Monday, March 12, 2012

Eternal Truth

God created the heaven and the earth - - - including man.

God and man lived harmoniously.

Man was given power over all other creations, a serene accord between nature and humanity.

Man was also aware of the Spiritual realm, a barrier free relationship between God and man.

Everything was good.

God, with all His graciousness towards man, forbade only one thing - - - the consumption of the fruit from the Knowledge of Good and Evil Tree.

Man obeyed accordingly.
Until one day, a thing came to change the eternal purpose of man - - - a beast that hid his nature with deceitful words provoked man that eating the fruit will do no harm.

It made man eat the prohibited fruit. Man thought it would open up their eyes, but what it did was to put down the lid of their sight from the light of truth.

Because of disobedience, the connection between God and man was broken. And the beast roamed freely over the earth.
On the contrary, the beast had a beautiful appearance and possessed supernatural powers that man fear and respect. The beast has followers of his kind, and they were called demons.

The beast and his demons, including the mightiest of them, were in fact fallen angels, followers of God during the ancient times. But what made them fallen was the decision they chose to go against God. And so, with this nature, the demons wanted man to do the same. They deceive every man that is born on earth. They try every means to totally destroy man’s awareness of God. And they continue to do so until now.

But unlike these angels, God loved man so much. Though it grieved God of man’s defiance, He still have a great plan to bring the connection back once again. God promised that He will send the Messiah – a Savior who will rescue man from eternal destruction.

And when the fullness of time came, the Messiah was born to earth.

The Messiah did what God had willed Him to do. He lived a humble life in a carpenter’s home. The Messiah lived a life that man was originally designed to do. Building a life day by day as any ordinary man does until the age of mission has come.

He started to spread the very Words of God and spoke of man’s true destiny and the real Kingdom of God.

Many believed the Messiah, but more was against Him.

The demons, aware that the Messiah is the fulfillment of God’s promise, were threatened. They devised various ways to hinder the Messiah’s mission which included a brutal death.

The demons’ deceptions and man’s wicked nature rejected the Messiah. They discarded Him, bruised Him and nailed Him on the cross – the most vicious death of that time. It was the darkest scene.

Sinless as the Messiah is, He was shamefully wounded in a brutal way. The Son of God died in the hands of the son of man.

The demons thought they defeated the Messiah, but they had thought it wrong.

The darkest scene turned out to be the greatest thing in the history of man.

For you see, through the death of the Messiah, the prophecy is fulfilled, the shedding of the blood will cleanse man’s sin. But that’s not the whole picture of Salvation.

The Messiah, after three days of death, rose from His grave. He had overcome death itself that all may live as well.
But there’s a requirement for man to gain reconnection with God once again.

Just as God had forbidden one thing to prevent man from eternal death, God now only requires one thing to gain eternal life - - - a personal faith in the Messiah – the God in the flesh, the Savior Jesus Christ. This is the eternal truth that every man must know.

Many believed the Messiah, but more are still against Him.

And those who chose to believe Him carry on the mission that the Messiah had started thousands of years ago.

And every believer knows by heart, the greatest mission from the start – A personal relationship with God from creation to eternal beyond.

by JMansay
September 30, 2008

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